Quick Start
The Shop Manager Menu
Edit Categories
Adding Products to the Database
Adding Products to website2Go Pages
Setting Shop Preferences
Credit Card Processing
Getting your Orders


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Frequently Asked Questions
What is website2Go Commerce?
Website2Go Commerce is an extension to website2Go that integrates a complete, secure e-commerce solution into small businesses websites, with a focus on minimizing the time required to set up and maintain the online store. For a description of website2Go, please see its Benefits & Features page.

How much does website2Go Commerce cost?
$99.95 per month, which includes website2Go Commerce and website2Go, the breakthrough small business website tool, including access to the full range of business templates. There are no extras or hidden charges. However, your website2Go Commerce subscription does not include a credit card merchant account or CyberCash processing, which will be billed directly from the providers. Website2Go Commerce customers are eligible for very competitive rates through Citibank, or, if you prefer, you may use your present or other bank of your choice. Call 877-WEB-2002 for more information.

How many products can I have at that price?
The website2Go Commerce plan supports a maximum of 100 products. There is no limit on the number of product categories in your online store. If you need more than 100 products, website2Go Corporate offers unlimited products for $189.95 per month, as well as twice as much of everything else. See the comparison chart for details.

What else do I get?
Every website2Go Commerce subscription includes 100 MB of server disk space, 10 POP email accounts, 10 email forwarding accounts, 10 email autoresponders, and 10 email distribution lists.

Do you offer website2Go Commerce as a standalone shopping cart I can use with my existing website?
No. You could crosslink website2Go Commerce category and product pages to another site, but we're sure you'll understand why we couldn't provide technical support for such applications. You'd also lose the extraordinary advantages of the tight integration between website2Go Commerce and website2Go pages.

What are the advantages of using website2Go and website2Go Commerce together?
Once a product has been entered into your online store's database, adding it to a website2Go page is as easy as clicking the Add Product button, then picking the item from a list of available products. The item's photo, description, price, and an Add to Cart button are placed automatically on your site's page, anywhere you wish. In addition, you have the flexibility to place just the Add to Cart button near a product you've already added to your page; this allows custom presentation of any product without losing its connection to the shopping cart system. The choice is yours.

Your online store's product categories may also be added to your site's navigation bar, where they'll appear automatically on every page, along with links that take your customers directly to a view of their shopping cart contents, or to check out. We don't believe in making it difficult for your customers to buy your products!

What are categories?
We think you'll find it easier to build and maintain your online store if you organize your products into categories, subcategories, subsubcategories, however many levels deep you wish. You might group together all products from one manufacturer into one category, or all products of the same type, size, or color. Or use more than one method, since a product can appear in any or all of your store's categories by simply checking boxes in an edit screen.

In addition, any category can be published as a finished page on your site, much like a catalog page, with each of its products listed automatically, including a small picture, description, price, and Add to Cart button. Clicking on the picture or product name takes the shopper to that product's full description with a larger picture. We know you're too busy to worry about such details, so website2Go Commerce does all of this for you, with only a couple of mouse clicks.

When my customer buys something from my site, how long until I get paid for it?
That depends on how you've configured your CyberCash account. If you've chosen to pre-authorize all transactions, payment will be transferred into your merchant account within seconds of the customer checking out. Otherwise, you'll get paid as soon as you authorize the transaction.

How will I be notified of orders?
The store will send you an email when each order is submitted. See the Getting Your Orders page for details.